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Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership at EVALCORP

Celebrating 20 Years of Partnership at EVALCORP

To our clients, partners and friends:

It is with great pleasure and gratitude that we celebrate our 20th anniversary!

Two decades ago, EVALCORP was founded to support those who create safe, healthy, and strong communities by providing sound measurement and data-informed strategies. It has been an incredibly rewarding journey, and we could not have done it without our clients and team.

Our Journey

What began as a small team of 2 working at a kitchen table has grown into an exceptional team of more than 30 committed individuals providing useful data, innovative thinking, and actionable insights for our clients. Tremendous thanks to our team who has helped EVALCORP stay true to its goal, allowing us to expand our impact across the U.S. We’re proud to provide program evaluation, needs assessment, and strategic planning in the fields of mental health, education, criminal justice, early childhood, and public health.

Honoring Our Clients

We would not be here without our clients. Their passion and commitment to helping others have inspired me and our team beyond measure!

Our amazing clients are the reason that we get to do such meaningful work. They motivate us to be our best – working in partnership to support change across our diverse communities. Over the years, we have had the honor of partnering with over 580 unique agencies as they uplift and empower individuals and families.

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank them for everything they do.

Looking Ahead

During this anniversary year, we are excited to reflect on our past 20 years as well as shine the spotlight on our clients for all that they do, day in and day out. As a team that is committed to delivering unmatched client service, we will continue improving our services to best meet the evolving needs of our clients. For our team, EVALCORP shall stay committed to providing our teammates opportunities to learn, grow, and become their best professional selves.

We look forward to working collaboratively to support change that builds equitable, healthy, and successful communities.

With heartfelt thanks,

Kristen Donovan, Ph.D.

Please stay tuned for our year-long 20th Anniversary Celebration fun!

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.“

– Peter Drucker

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