Photograph of two people looking down at something out of frame. Overlain over this image is a large area of transparent blue, a smaller area of transparent orange, and a shape of transparent teal roughly the same area as the orange

Strategic Planning

Sharing your vision and the difference you want to make through a strategic plan can feel overwhelming. Whether your strategic plan is required or desired, we create a process and resulting plan that meets your needs for the next 3, 5, or 10 years.

Strategic planning often enhances your needs assessment and evaluation work.

Services include:

  • Clarity on vision, mission, and goals
  • Process improvements
  • Stakeholder and employee needs assessment
  • GIS mapping for service area analysis and strategic planning
  • Development of built-in evaluation metrics and methods
  • Continuous quality improvement
  • Multi-year strategic plan writing

How Can Strategic Planning Map Your Organization’s Future?

View Our Work Samples

Strategic Planning In Action

First 5 San Bernardino partnered with EVALCORP to develop their 2023-2028 Strategic Plan. The five-year plan below outlines the vision and goals of the Children and Families Commission of San Bernardino County as well as their strategic priority areas, guiding principles, and commitment to equity.

Strategic Planning In Action

First 5 Marin partnered with EVALCORP to develop their 2022-2030 Strategic Plan. The eight-year plan below outlines the agency’s strategic priorities as well as measurable goals and objectives synthesized from engagement with numerous stakeholder groups to assess families and children’s needs in the County.

More about Strategic Planning Services

EVALCORP is committed to supporting agencies, foundations, and organizations that passionately work to serve their communities. We support you and your staff by providing strategic planning solutions that help to promote program continuity, elevate the capabilities of your team, and help maximize your impact on the community members you serve. As always, EVALCORP tailors our scope of support to align with the unique challenges facing each of our clients.

Elevate Your Planning with EVALCORP

EVALCORP’s strategic planning solutions can promote program continuity, elevate the capabilities of your passionate team, and help you maximize your impact on the community members you serve. We help you ensure that you have a data-informed roadmap that you can use to develop future programs and community endeavors.

If you would like to learn more about our strategic planning solutions, we’d love to connect with you. Schedule a consultation with us, and let us help you measure what matters.

“That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.”

– Karl Pearson

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