Two people talking

Capacity Building Training

Growing the capacity of your team’s skills will ensure sustainable, long-term progress. We can train your team to evaluate program inputs and outputs, design SMART and actionable objectives, and develop tools to enhance your evaluation and strategic planning activities.

Training and capacity building topics include:

  • Data-informed cultures: evaluation 101
  • SMART outcome design (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-phased)
  • Community-Based Action Research (CBAR)
  • High quality data collection and management
  • Community-centered data collection tools (e.g., PhotoVoice)
  • Storytelling with data and visualization: creative methods of sharing findings with funders

How Can EVALCORP Build Your Team’s Capacity?

View Our Work Samples

Training In Action

EVALCORP trains our clients to build evaluation capacity and promote data-informed culture in their organization. Our evaluation capacity building training helps clients to:

  • Develop a sustainable evaluation infrastructure by establishing evaluation roles and processes and integrating evaluation into current workflows
  • Build organization-wide knowledge of and positive feelings about evaluation by introducing evaluation concepts and highlighting the benefits of evaluation through facilitated group discussion
  • Build organization’s readiness to conduct evaluation through advanced workshops that establish deeper understanding of evaluation concepts and application of skills to organization-specific project(s)

Training In Action

EVALCORP trains our clients to evaluate proper inputs and outputs of their programs, to design SMART, actionable objectives, and ultimately use this information to inform evaluation and strategic planning activities.

Logic Model Training helps build the skills of our clients and their teams to…

  • Describe their program.
  • Layout and sequence their logic model components.
  • Focus their evaluation processes.
  • Select proper indicators of progress.
  • And, ultimately, depicts the relationship between their program’s activities and intended effects.

Training In Action

The CBAR Training we use at EVALCORP teaches introductory research skills for our clients.

Community-Based Action Research Training teaches our clients to ensure their:

  • Research topics are relevant and important to the community.
  • Community members and stakeholders involved in all aspects of the research process.
  • Information gathered is used to take action on important community issue.

The CBAR Process focuses on involving the community and improving community action by:

  1. Figuring out what you want to know.
  2. Gathering data and information to answer your question.
  3. Analyzing and interpreting what that data means.
  4. Summarizing and sharing that data with others.
  5. Taking action!

Ultimately, data should be used for actionable change, and our clients leave with the skills to use their data to educate their communities and increase awareness, change policy, and develop or improve community programs.

More About Our Capacity Building Trainings

EVALCORP is committed to helping agencies, foundations, and organizations empower themselves. Capacity building trainings include workshops and other carefully structured educational sessions designed to upskill your staff. These skill-building efforts focus on decision-making, community mobilization, and data management.

Build Your Team’s Capacity with EVALCORP

Through EVALCORP’s capacity building trainings, you will enhance your data collection, management, and analysis capabilities so that you can demonstrate the efficacy of your program to funders and stakeholders and obtain the resources you need to continue your meaningful work.

Would you like to learn more about our capacity building trainings? Schedule a consultation with EVALCORP, and let us help you measure what matters.

“That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.”

– Karl Pearson

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