Photograph of two people looking down at something out of frame. Overlain over this image is a large area of transparent blue, a smaller area of transparent orange, and a shape of transparent teal roughly the same area as the orange

Intercultural & Equity Framework

EVALCORP’s Intercultural & Equity Framework

Our Intercultural and Equity Framework advances our purpose to partner with government agencies and community-based nonprofits to prevent and resolve complex social issues. It enables us to:

  • Deliver our program evaluation, needs assessment, and strategic planning consulting services through an equity lens.
  • Honor the diverse cultures, backgrounds, and lived experiences of the clients and communities we serve.
  • Foster a healthy workplace where our team members can thrive and be their authentic selves.
Table with three different columns. 1) Culturally Responsive Approach: Cultural humility - Cultural competence - Trauma-informed - Representation 2) DEIB Tenets: We value diversity - We elevate voices - We take accountability - We act with compassion 3) Our Commitments: Belonging - Fair and equitable practices - Social good - Human dignity

Cultural Humility: We intentionally reflect on our own beliefs and identities, and seek to learn from and honour the beliefs and identities of others by employing the 5 Rs of Cultural Humility: Reflection, Respect, Regard, Relevance, and Resiliency.

Cultural Competence: We aim to interact effectively and respectfully with people of all backgrounds by drawing on the wisdom of team members, partners, and experts who are part of the communities we serve, and adhering to American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) and National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) guidelines.

Trauma-Informed: We acknowledge the broad impact of trauma, especially on those affected by systemic oppression, discrimination, or violence, and create psychologically safe environments.

Representation: We intentionally and meaningfully include individuals from diverse backgrounds and community stakeholders throughout our evaluation process.

We Value Diversity: We recognize the value of diversity to our organization, our society, and as individuals; and believe that diversity enriches our collective human experience.

We Elevate Voices: We elevate the voices of historically marginalized and underrepresented communities, creating opportunities for individuals to be heard, seen, and included in discussions, decisions, and narratives that impact their lives.

We Take Accountability: We acknowledge our role and responsibility in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within our personal lives and in the areas where we have influence.

We Act with Compassion: We approach all interactions and decisions with empathy, kindness, and a genuine concern for the well-being of others. We recognize the humanity in every person and respond with care and understanding.

Belonging: We seek to create environments where every person feels they belong and are accepted, valued, and respected.

Fair & Equitable Practices: We commit to fairness and equity in all aspects of our business operations, from recruitment and employment to service delivery.

Human Dignity: We see intrinsic worth and value of every individual and respect the dignity of all people, of all backgrounds.

Social Good: We believe it is both our organizational and personal responsibility to actively contribute to the betterment of society.

“That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially.”

– Karl Pearson

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