Two people facing a third person that is in profile in the foreground. Overlain over this image is a large area of transparent blue, a smaller area of transparent orange, and a shape of transparent teal roughly the same area as the orange

New & Noteworthy

EVALCORP 2023 Team Disney Day

EVALCORP 2023 Team Disney Day

This year, EVALCORP had our annual team day at Disneyland California Adventure Park. We had such a great time during our last year’s outing at Disneyland Park, it was only fitting that we visit the other park this year. Even though the temperature was scorching 90 degrees, we didn’t let it get in the way…

Spotlight on Evaluation Findings of Informal Caregiver Support Programs

Spotlight on Evaluation Findings of Informal Caregiver Support Programs

EVALCORP has had the opportunity to conduct a program evaluation for two amazing Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) caregiver support programs in Los Angeles and San Jose, California. We conducted a comprehensive mixed-methods evaluation of Visión y Compromiso’s (VyC) Family Caregivers Project (FCP) in 2021 and San Jose Public Library’s (SJPL) FFN Caregiver Support Network…

Why Use Validated Measures Blog

Why Use Custom Measures? Part 3

How should programs implement a custom measure? If you are implementing a custom measure as part of a program evaluation or needs assessment, there are several things to keep in mind. Once you have developed a custom measure, the best thing to do with it is to fully document its development and share it with…

Why Use Validated Measures Blog

Why Use Custom Measures? Part 2

How are custom measures developed? My colleagues who are measurement specialists lament that the most common way that custom measures are developed is for someone on the project team to “just start writing items.” If this approach actually worked well for the making measures, I wouldn’t be so hard on it, but the truth is…

Why Use Validated Measures Blog

Why Use Custom Measures? Part 1

In my last blog post about measurement, I wrote about why an evaluation consultant may encourage you to use a validated measure in your project. In the conclusion to that piece, I promised that I would also explain when a tailor-made questionnaire would be more appropriate. To cut to the chase: custom measures will be…

evalcorp team park picnic

Celebrating the End to Another Great Fiscal Year!

To honor the dedication and teamwork displayed by our talented staff this past year, EVALCORP planned a sun-filled picnic on Friday July 14. Team members joined together from Irvine, Los Angeles, and even Houston, TX at the beautiful Laguna Niguel Regional Park in Orange County. To infuse an element of fun into the day, a…

photograph of evalcorp's sponsored softball team Rebellion Dogs players

Congratulations to the Rebellion Dogs!

The City of Irvine—where EVALCORP’s headquarters are located—hosts several active adult sports leagues. We’ve been honored to have the opportunity to sponsor one of the teams in their softball league since 2022!  In fact, we’re now in our 5th season of sponsoring Irvine’s D2 Coed Softball Division, the Rebellion Dogs – an amazing team of…

Kern BHRS Spotlight

What Role Do Evaluators Play in Raising Awareness About Mental Health? Spotlight on Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

Since 1949, the month of May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. It marks May as a month dedicated to bringing attention to and eliminating the shame associated with mental health challenges. This month at EVALCORP, we are asking: What role do evaluators play in raising awareness about mental…

Trauma Informed Approaches blog

Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches: How EVALCORP Evaluates with a Trauma-Informed Approach

In our second blog post in this series, we briefly reviewed the framework trauma-informed care (TIC) and discussed some broadly applicable practices that apply that framework to interacting with individuals who have experienced trauma. There are various points in the EVALCORP Project Cycle where we utilize TIC. Today, we will focus on two specific processes…

Trauma Informed Approaches blog

Integrating Trauma-Informed Approaches: Changing How We View and Respond to Trauma

As part of our series on trauma-informed evaluation approaches, we first delved into different ways trauma is defined and how it impacts individuals or groups. Because trauma is widespread and can have such a strong impact on individuals or groups, it is pertinent to understand how to best engage with and support individuals who have…

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.“

– Peter Drucker

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