New & Noteworthy

EVALCORP’s First Virtual Picnic and Scavenger Hunt

This past Friday, we hosted our very first Virtual Picnic and Scavenger Hunt, an event that perfectly embodied our team spirit: connected, collaborative, and always up for some fun!

Both our local and remote team members joined in on Zoom, lunches in hand, each bringing something personal to share. We all chose virtual backgrounds that represented places where we’d love to have a picnic. As we took turns sharing the stories behind our chosen backgrounds, it wastouching to hear the significance of each location. Many of us picked places from our childhoods that represented special moments with loved ones. Others chose destinations that are on their bucket lists or fictional locations they would like to visit even if it were only in their dreams. Through these stories, we got to learn about our team members’ pasts, future vacation goals, and the places that hold meaning in their lives.

But the fun didn’t stop there! We divided into teams for a virtual scavenger hunt that had everyone on their toes. Our mission was to find everyday objects from our offices or homes. The competition was friendly yet fierce, with each team eager to outwit the other. In the end, everyone was a winner in this game, and the shared laughter was a bonus to a nice wrap-up to our week.

It was a memorable afternoon for the EVALCORP team, and we can’t wait to host more events that bring us closer, inspire us, and remind usof just how unique and wonderful our team is!

The EVC team proudly displaying their treasured findings from the scavenger hunt!

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.“

– Peter Drucker

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