New & Noteworthy

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2024 National Rx and Illicit Drug Summit: EVALCORP Honored to Support our Ventura County Behavioral Health Partners

For the second consecutive year, EVALCORP had the great privilege of showcasing Ventura County Behavioral Health’s (VCBH) excellent work in addressing substance use challenges and collaborating with system partners to reduce opioid-related fatalities. Dr. Kristen Donovan, Dr. Dustin Anderson, Lorena Roque, and Dr. Gabrielle Walker from our team accompanied the VCBH team to the 2024 National Rx and Illicit Drug Summit in Atlanta to support our amazing clients, share evaluation findings, and learn from organizations nationwide on innovative strategies to save lives.

Photos of our long-term partners at VCBH (Dr. Young, Dr. Vlaskovits, and Ashley Nettles) presenting at the Rx Summit. Photo of Dr. Gabrielle Walker and Dr. Dustin Anderson from EVALCORP. For additional information about Ventura County agencies working to reduce illicit opioid supply, decrease demand, and save lives, please visit:

We are so proud of the work VCBH has done for over a decade to combat the opioid epidemic and save hundreds of lives. It’s been an honor to be their evaluation partner. We look forward to our continued partnership and next year’s Rx Summit in Nashville.  

This year in Atlanta also provided a fun opportunity and evening of camaraderie and laughter at an axe-throwing event! What a blast!

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.“

– Peter Drucker

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